Rose Pink Petals and Drops
by Julie Palencia
Rose Pink Petals and Drops
Julie Palencia
Photograph - Photography
Rose Pink Petals and Drops
Julie Palencia Photography
Image taken at the Chicago Botanic Garden
(Square Format/Macro)
June 20th, 2016
Comments (31)
Julie Palencia
Thank you Rebecca for featuring my image Rose Pink Petals and Drops in the Contemporary group, appreciate it.
Julie Palencia
Thank you Darren for featuring my image Rose Pink Petals and Drops in the Flower Art 3 A Day group, appreciate your support.
Julie Palencia
Thank you Dora for the feature in the Visions Of Spring - Glances Of Summer group, appreciate your support.
Julie Palencia
Thank you John for featuring my image in the Images That Excite you group, appreciate it.
Julie Palencia
Thank you Roxane for featuring my image, Rose Pink Petals and Drops in The Gallery of Interiors group, appreciate it.
Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations on being chosen to have your artwork Featured on the homepage of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. It is with pride and joy that I can share this beautiful piece of artwork with the FAA art community. Thanks for sharing. like and fave Randy B. Rosenberger (admin of WFS group)
Julie Palencia replied:
Thank you Randy for featuring my image, Rose Pink Petals and Drops in the WFS group, appreciate it and your lovely comment.