Winter Frost

by Julie Palencia
Similar Subjects
Comments (21)

Robyn King
Congratulations your beautiful work is being featured in the World We See Group:-)
Julie Palencia replied:
Thank you Robyn for featuring my image Winter Frost in the World We See group, appreciate it.

Julie Palencia
Thank you Jean for the feature in the Greeting Cards for All Occasions group, appreciate it.

John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Julie Palencia replied:
Thank you John for featuring my image Winter Frost in the Images That Excite You group, appreciate it.

Julie Palencia
Thank you Sheree for the feature in the Landscape and Waterfalls group, appreciate it.

Aimelle ML
sublime Julie! ......... This would be perfect for this week's word "TWO" in the group "Word Worth 1000 Pics" ..... http://fineartamerica.com/groups/word-worth-1000-pics.html