Vintage Peony and Hand Wash Basin
by Julie Palencia
Vintage Peony and Hand Wash Basin
Julie Palencia
Photograph - Photography/photoart
Vintage Peony and Hand Wash Basin
Julie Palencia Photography
Vintage image part of the Simple Life Collection
June 6th, 2016
Comments (13)
Julie Palencia
A big Thank You goes out to the buyer from Brant, ON - Canada for purchasing a 9" x 14" framed print of my image Vintage Peony and Hand Wash Basin. I hope it brings you much enjoyment.
Julie Palencia
Thank you Jouko for featuring my image, Vintage Peony and Hand Wash Basin, in the Art from the Past group, appreciate it.
Shirley Kathan-Sayess
Beautiful, soft nostalgic image, Julie. Congratulations on being featured on The Gallery of Interior Design group this week. L+F
Julie Palencia replied:
Thank you Shirley for the feature in The Gallery of Interior Design group, appreciate the feature and your support.