Last Dance

by Julie Palencia
Last Dance
Julie Palencia
Photograph - Photography/photoart
Last Dance, original photographic image, textures applied.
April 14th, 2011
Similar Subjects
Comments (49)

Jouko Lehto
Congratulations! You have been chosen to be the artist of the January 2014 in the Art from the Past group with this work. The more I study this work the more dimensions I can find in there.

Jouko Lehto
Congratulations! You have been chosen to be the artist of the January 2014 in the Art from the Past group with this work. The more I study this work the more dimensions I can find in there.

Jouko Lehto
Congratulations! You have been chosen to be the artist of the January 2014 in the Art from the Past group with this work. The more I study this work the more dimensions I can find in there.
Julie Palencia replied:
I am honored to be chosen as the Artist of January 2014 in the Art from the Pas group. Thank you Jouko.

Jouko Lehto
Dans with an attitude... Great work! My pick for the POD in the Art from the Past-group. f/v

Dagmar Helbig
Julie, what a creation - beautiful and with some secrets behind - amazing!!! VF - Dagmar

Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists!! Great artwork. Love the colours, textures and composition!!!!!

Bruce Combs - REACH BEYOND
Hi, Julie! Is there any room left for me to squeeze in here and express my awe. Just occasionally, probably all of us know it, a work of art will give us shivers, and everything just stops for an unknown, unrealized amount of time (amount, yes! Not linear but three dimensional!). What a holiday gift the buyer has! And thank you from me and all. Peace, etc., Bruce Oh, yeah, and happy holidays and the seasjavascript:%20submitcomment2();on, too!
Julie Palencia replied:
Thank you Bruce, appreciate your post here. The image is complex, many meanings. Happy Holidays to you and wish you the best in 2012.

Julie Palencia
Thank you to the buyer from Palatine for your purchase. Enjoy, Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays!