Icelandic Poppy in White
by Julie Palencia
Icelandic Poppy in White
Julie Palencia
Photograph - Photography
Icelandic Poppy in White
Julie Palencia Fine Art Photography
Image taken at the Chicago Botanic Garden
May 28th, 2019
Similar Subjects
Comments (17)
Bruce Bley
Beautiful and gorgeous capture, Julie!! Congratulations on your "Elvis Pic of the Week in the group "Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery". F/L/T
Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations on being chosen for the big Feature, Elvis Pick of the Week, Your artwork was chosen to be FEATURED in this HOT spot on our homepage for this week. A truly lovely piece of artwork for all the world to view and enjoy. Thanks much for sharing! Randy “Elvis” Rosenberger Administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group
Julie Palencia
Thank you Jasna for the feature in the Global Flowers Photography group, appreciate your support.
Julie Palencia
Thank you Dora for featuring my image Icelandic Poppy in White in the VISIONS OF SPRING - GLANCES OF SUMMER group, appreciate your support.