Glorious Rudbeckia Daisy

by Julie Palencia
Glorious Rudbeckia Daisy
Julie Palencia
Photograph - Photography
Glorious Rudbeckia Daisy
Julie Palencia Photography
Image taken at the Chicago Botanic Garden
The Rudbeckia Cappuccino daisy has huge orange-red flowers blooming all season long reaching more than 4" across, a beautiful addition to any garden.
August 4th, 2015
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Comments (13)

Julie Palencia
Thank you Kim for featuring my image, Glorious Rudbeckia Dahlia in the Flora group, appreciate the feature.

Mother Nature
I really like the unusual perspective - lovely work! This is a favorite and congratulations on your feature in WFS:>) F/L

Randy Rosenberger
I am very pleased to make this special FEATURE, on our homepage of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Homepage. It is of the highest quality and integrity and this piece of artwork is very well deserving of high accolades by all members of FAA! I am proud to display and promote your grand artworks, and am very happy to have you as a member of our family of friends and fine artists within our WFS group. Liked & Faved Forever, Elvis
Julie Palencia replied:
Thank you Randy for featuring my image Glorious Rudbeckia Daisy in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group, appreciate the feature and your support.